How do I edit the donor information in the app?
Sometimes during call time you may need to add or update information on a donor. You can edit a donor's profile directly from the App including the address, salutation, employer, occupation, ask amount, ask notes, bio, notes, emails, phone numbers, and contact codes if you are an Admin user on the account. Users with a CallTime user role cannot edit donor information from the front end of the app and should report such information to an Admin user to update. These changes will auto-save from your app and reflect in both the CRM and App immediately upon saving.
1. In the top right corner of the profile next the donor's name, select the pencil icon.
2. Edit the information as needed, select done on the keyboard and select save. If you are updating the email or phone fields note that you can mark a field as invalid by clicking the red X. To add additional select the add email or add phone number buttons.