How do I custom order my donors on a calltime list?

Currently, you can custom sort your donors by contact first name or last name (alphabetically ascending or descending), when the contact was added to the call time list (ascending or descending), when each contact was marked as completed (ascending or descending), by ask amount (ascending or descending), or by address (street address, city, or state ascending or descending) On top of this, you can pin certain contacts to the top of your list. We'll be rolling out additional sort criteria over the next few months.  

1. To sort your contacts select the ... following your call time list name in the top left corner of your list. 

2. This will open the Edit Calltime List side panel where you will select the Advanced Tab and use the drop down to choose your sort criteria. You can layer your sort criteria to sort by one preference first, then another, etc, similar to sorting in Excel or Google Sheets. Select Save calltime list. 

3. Your contacts will then be sorted according to the criteria you chose. If you want to additionally pin a contact or a few contacts to the top of the list, you can select the ... on the far right row of the contact and select pin to top. This will move the contact to the top of the list and they will show up first in the front end of the app with a pin icon to indicate they have been pinned to the top. 

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