How do I filter by giving history across my database?

You can filter across your entire CRM database (excluding contacts with a contact type of organization) by giving history criteria including amount, date, committee, candidate, party, locale, level, election year, and incumbent status. To filter across your database follow the steps below: 

1. From the Contacts Tab select the Add Filter button and then select the giving history option in the Activity section. 
2. Select the Amount tab and select either has given or has not given. You can select whether you want to search your database by the frequency of contributions or by aggregate functions as described below. Enter an exact amount, amount range, or a greater than/ less than value. An amount input is required to perform the search. If you are looking to filter for any amount, input $19 in the 'More than' option. We provide giving history for contributions equal to or greater than $20, thus entering this amount will filter for all amounts available. If this concludes your filtering criteria you can select the apply filter button to perform the search, if adding additional filters continue to step 3. 

By Frequency: 

  • Use this option if you want to specify that you are searching for at least/between/at most/exactly x number of contributions at x amount. Example: Show me everyone who has contributed at least 2 times more than $249.  

By Aggregate Functions: 
Use this feature when you want to look for the total measure of a contribution or set of contributions. Example: Show me everyone who contributed on average between $500 and $1000 

  • At least one contribution- searches for at least singular one contribution of the specified amount 
  • Total- searches for all contributions that total the specified amount 
  • Minimum- searches for all contributions that are at a minimum the amount specified 
  • Maximum- searches for all contributions that are at a maximum the amount specified 
  • Average- searches for all contributions that are on average the amount specified 

 3. Continue to add additional filters as needed BEFORE you select apply filter. Filter descriptions are as follows: 

  • Date- the date or date range the contribution was made 
  • Committee- the name of the filing committee, you can select multiple if necessary
  • Candidate- the name of the candidate as listed on the filing, you can select multiple if necessary 
  • Party- the name of the political party the committee included on the filing, you can select multiple if necessary  
  • Locale- classifications of giving including Federal (Federal filings including Presidential, US Senate, US House), State (State level filings categorized as "State Initials- State" ex: "CA- State"), County (County level filings categorized as "State Initials- County-County Name" ex: "CA-County-Alameda County"), or Municipal (Municipal/City level filings categorized as "State Initials- Municipal- Municipality Name" ex: "CA-Municipal-Anaheim"), you can select multiple if necessary 
  • Level- this groups the Locales into larger subsets: Federal, State, County, and Municipal 
  • ElectIon Year- election year of the filing 
  • Incumbent Status- incumbent status (incumbent or challenger) of the candidate 

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