How do I send my broadcast email?
After you have crafted your email broadcast message, feeling good about it, and have sent yourself and your team the proofs, you should get to it and send those emails! To get started on sending your broadcast email, select Summary in the top right-hand side of the editor
You'll then be able to view/select the below within the Summary tab:
1. Delivery: At the moment you're only able to send the broadcast email immediately. Coming soon though, you'll be able to send immediately and schedule a send for a future date/time
2. Usage: To see how much this specific broadcast email will take from your plan usage, you'll see that in the Plan Usage section of the Summary
3. Additional Summary Details: You'll also be able to view all the details used to build this specific broadcast email like the Audience, Details, and Message. You can select Revisit within each section to go back to that tab if needed.
4. Send: When you're ready to confirm and move to the very final step, select Send.
5. The Broadcast Summary card will display the Email Count (note: the total delivered may differ from the email count itself) and if there is an Overage on your plan. The Total Cost will also appear and if you are within your usage plan, it will read as Included!
6. Ready to send the broadcast email? Type the bolded font within the confirmation text box field and then select Send Email Broadcast
Hooray - you did it! When you select Send Email Broadcast, there will be a cute send-off animation and a confirmation of how many email broadcasts were sent, including the date/time.