How does someone unsubscribe from my broadcast emails?

All emails sent from the Numero Comms Center will contain an Unsubscribe link in the bottom of your email footer. The link will lead to Numero's default Unsubscribe page, or you can provide Numero with an alternative URL. Numero can also include links to your Privacy Policy if you have been advised by your council to include them. Please contact us at if you wish to update your Unsubscribe page or include links to your privacy policy. 

Once a donor has been unsubscribed from your Numero broadcast emails, they will still be able to receive 1:1 emails from you but they will have a red dot on the actual email broadcast activity in which they unsubscribed in their contact record. They will also be automatically suppressed/excluded from future broadcast emails.

You will also notice a  red email opt-out marker next to their email address on their contact record. If the donor accidentally unsubscribed from your emails and wishes to opt-in again you can select the pencil marker next to the email address and then toggle the Opted Out option to No before selecting Save. 

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