Where can I find more information about my domain settings?

Common Domain Providers


My DKIM record isn’t updating when I try to save the domain key. Depending on the domain host you’re using, you may only need to type in part of a domain key. For example, if you enter “k2._domainkey.example.com” and “scph1223._domainkey.mail.yourwebsite.com” is created, update your CNAME record to only include “scph1223._domainkey.mail”.

My records are all correct, but Numero cannot verify my records.For some providers, you may need to wait up to 48 hours as it can take that long for servers to process your updates. To rule out any errors in the values, review the records between the emails and what you have added in your domain settings.

We are happy to help with any issues that might occur to the extend of our ability. However, we do not have access to your accounts or domains, so be sure to provide screenshots, schedule a call where we can view your screen, or, when it comes to domain verification, reach out directly to your domain provider and their support team for assistance.

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