How do I log in to the Numero Call Time App?

1. If you are on a mobile device or tablet, open the Numero Call Time App if it is saved to your home screen.

2. If you are on a desktop or laptop, or do not yet have the Numero Call Time App saved as an App to your home screen on a mobile or tablet device, pull up the candidates unique call time app url (ex: in your browser.

3. Insert your email and request a unique pin from the App and check your email for the five digit pin.  If the email is not in your inbox, check your Spam folder as it may have filtered.

CTHowtoLogintoCTApp4. Insert the five digit pin found in your email and click sign in. 
CTHowtoLogintoCTApp25. If you are unable to login and receive the message stating your email as invalid, you'll need to reach out to your team lead to have them add you as a user in the Google Sheet. After they have confirmed they have added you, wait about 60 seconds to attempt to log in again.

Note: The Numero Call Time App will only ask you for a pin the first time you log in on each unique device. A unique pin can be requested each time you attempt to log in by selecting "I need another pin."  You do not need to remember your previous pin number each time you attempt to log in. 

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