What content can I edit in a broadcast text?

Drafting Your Message

In the message section, enter your message in the left text box. Add emojis, attachments, merge tags, and source code as needed.

Step 1: Preview your message on the right side. Choose to see the preview as an iPhone or an Android device. Select a person from your audience to preview your message as.

Step 2: To edit the source code, click on the source code option and make necessary changes.

Step 3: To add an attachment, click "Attach File"- files should be no larger than 500KB to optimize sending (carriers prefer under 500KB). 

Step 4: Once the image is uploaded, preview the image and text in the preview section. To send a proof to yourself, click Send Proofs above the preview section.

Step 5: Choose a recipient for the proof from your team or enter a specific number.

Step 6: Preview your message for a randomly selected person in your audience or a specific recipient.

Step 7: Once satisfied with your message, click Next to review your broadcast text summary in the next step.

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