How do I create merge tags and default values in my broadcast text message?

When drafting your broadcast text message you can opt to input specific values found on a contact's profile so that each text contains unique personalization. Examples include the donor's first name, donor's last unfulfilled pledge amount, and even a unique SpeedyGive link that will fill in the donor's information when they attempt to contribute. 

In the Message step of your broadcast text message, you'll use the insertion icon to select contact attributes or account-level attributes. There are over 30 unique attributes to choose from. Keep in mind, to see the field populate in the donor's text that field needs to hold a value in the donor's Numero profile (ex: we can't populate a pledge amount if there is no pledge on a profile). 

The right side of your screen will preview the message. Be sure to select a recipient from the Previewing As drop down or use the random button to generate a random contact to preview. 

Advanced Settings: If you need to add fallbacks to your message, such as a default option of "friend" when there is no first name present on a contact profile you can use the Liquid library to select your fallbacks. Helpful fallbacks: 

{{contact.first_name| default: "friend"}}

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