How do I create text broadcast inbound rules and responses?

You can create inbound rules for broadcast text messages that allow for automated responses upon opt-in or opt-out. 

To view and manage your inbound rules select the inbound rules tab at the top right of your Numero Comms Center Text Broadcast tab. 

Numero will start you off with 5 opt-in phrases and 7 opt-out phrases- known as System Rules. These 12 System Rules cannot be deleted and are required to have a response which you can edit by selecting the three dots to the far right of each and selecting Edit. You can add new opt-in and opt-out rules by selecting the Add Rule button at the top right. 

When editing a System Rule you'll only be able to change the auto-response. When adding a new rule or editing one of your own rules you'll be able to change the phrase, add a match type (Contains, Exact, Starts With), and the action (opt-in or opt-out). Select Edit or Add Rule when complete. 

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