How do I opt out phone numbers in bulk?

To indicate that supporters have opted out from their contact record in order to suppress them from broadcasts or from being contacted, you can opt them out of all platform phone communication or from specific broadcast channels. There are multiple ways this opt-out information come to be stamped and managed on a record:

  • Bulk import from a list of phone opt-outs
  • Individually updated from a contact record
  • Responded to a broadcast triggering a Opt Out action

To update an individual contact record:

  1. From a profile, under the contact's Phones section, select the pencil icon to edit the specific phone number you wish to update. 
  2. You can toggle the contact's Opted Out? setting from 'Yes' to 'No' to opt out the entire phone number from all phone communication OR you can open the Broadcast Settings (for Comms Center Text Broadcast users), and check the Opt Out box.
  3. Select the white 'Save' button to save your changes.

To import a list of phone opt-outs:

  1. Prepare a Contact Import CSV file with the following Column Headers or content: Numero Contact ID or First Name, Last Name, Primary Phone and a corresponding column for Opt Out Date. You may also any additional matching properties you may have such as Primary Address, Email Address, Employer and Occupation.
  2. Export your CSV and upload it as a Contact Import
  3. During the mapping step, map the Opted Out Date column to your preferred Opted Out Date property. Choose the appropriate corresponding phone number type to opt-out (e.g. Primary Phone Opt-Out or, for Text Broadcast customers, 10DLC Local).

    Note: Choosing Primary Phone Opt Out will suppress contacts from your text broadcasts, but it may indicate to those using your platform for calltime that they may not call the individual. Choosing Primary Phone 10DLC Local Opted Out Date will suppress text broadcasts only.
  4. Finalize your import and the opt-out information will append to existing profiles. You can update your lists and ensure your text audiences reflect your new opt-out lists by viewing the updated Send Audience from the header.

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