How does Numero verify my emails?

As a Numero Comms Center- Email customer we will validate all of the email addresses you import into our platform. This is done upon import before you even add a contact's email to an email broadcast draft. By validating your email addresses before sending we are helping improve your email reputation (protecting your domain and your IP from losing credibility). We will assign a risk assessment to each email address and allow you to perform certain actions based on the risk assessment. By emailing only those with a lower risk assessment you effectively tell the email providers you've done your homework and plan to send to pre-qualified individuals who have opted in to receive your emails. The result should be a higher email reputation and thus faster and more prominent placement into email inboxes vs. spam boxes over time. 

Your email addresses will be assigned one of the following risk assessments: 

We will re-validate the emails according to the ReValidation Schedule present in the last column of the above chart. Please note that if you are importing a new contact file we may take up to 20 minutes to validate your emails. It is recommended you wait to send your first email at least a few hours after your import to allow time for full validation of your contacts. 

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