How do I autopause my Comms Email?

Autopause is a feature available for Numero Comms Email accounts that allows users to pause their send after the first specified number of messages have been sent to the recipients in the specific audience. Once it is paused, you will have 48 hours to resume or cancel sending the broadcast to the remaining recipients. After that time, the send will be automatically cancelled. 

To enable autopase, go to the Summary step your Numero Comms Email broadcast draft, and under the Delivery section toggle the Enable Autopause? toggle to Yes. Once you do this you'll need to specify the number of messages you would like to be sent before the pause happens (must be between 1 and total estimated email audience count). This is also a good practice for users who want to ensure a specific maximum send vs. an estimated send. Select Next: Send when ready. 

To send your broadcast you'll need to confirm you want to send to X recipients and then pause the broadcast. 

Once your initial send audience completes, you'll have 48 hours to either resume the broadcast or cancel the remaining sends. If you do not take action after 48 hours we will cancel the remaining sends. You can resume or cancel the remaining sends two ways: 

1- From inside the broadcast message you can select the green RESUME button or red CANCEL button at the right of the yellow send bar found at the top of the broadcast send. 

2- From the Email Broadcasts tab displaying all your sent messages you can Select the ... to the far right of your broadcast message and select the green RESUME send or red CANCEL send. 

Selecting either option will prompt you to confirm your selection and select Resume Send or Cancel Send. If you resume your send a remaining estimated text count and any estimated overages will be included. You are able to input cancelation notes if you opt to cancel your send. 


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