How do I save a list?

How to Save a List:

1. Once you have filtered your list from the  Contacts tab, select Save in the top right-hand corner. 

2. Next, you will want to give your List a name and a description (optional). You can also choose to freeze the list and give a sharing status. Those steps are below in the next segment.

How to Freeze a List:

Before you save your list, you can also choose to freeze it in time or allow it to remain dynamic so that it pulls in new criteria when new records meet the criteria. 

  • When you Freeze a list (toggle it to the right), no other contacts will be added to your list. So even if a contact is added to your CRM with the same criteria, it will not show up on your saved list that is frozen.
  • If you choose to leave it unfrozen (toggled to the left), anytime a contact is added to your CRM with the filtered criteria, it will then be added to your saved list. 

How to Share or Privatize a List:

Before you save your list, you can also choose your sharing permissions. 

  • Selecting Private means that you are the only one that can manage the list
  • Selecting Team means any teammate that has access to your Numero platform can manage the list

Your saved lists will show up in the lists tab. If you are the author of the list, it will show up under your My Lists option. If the list was shared with you it will show up under the Shared with me option. 

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