How do I export a list or a filtered search?

Step 1: Navigate to the appropriate tab from the left-hand navigation. If exporting a list of Contacts start from the Contacts tab. If exporting a saved List, start from the Lists tab.

Step 2: Choose the filter and criteria or saved List to export.

Step 3: In the top right header, above your filters, click on the Export icon.

Step 4: In the right-hand slideout, you can name your export, add a description, assign a category, and select the data and headers to export onto the CSV. Choose All to export a file with over sixty fields on these contacts. Alternatively, select one of the custom exports or one of the preset exports, such as activity history, email addresses, or contact information.

Step 5: After selecting the data type to export, click on the Export option below.

Step 6: Wait for the file to process. Download the file directly from the slideout, or find the notification to download the file in the inbox. Alternatively, once the file finishes processing, return to the left-hand navigation, select More, and then Exports to locate the exports.

Export Options

On a Contacts, Interactions, Pledges, or Contributions Export: 

  • All - Includes all information within your CRM.
  • Custom - This option allows you to choose exactly which columns you want to export. Once you choose custom, you will see another dropdown button appear, which is where you will choose which properties you want to be included in your export. This is a great option if you just want to export information to import into a mass mailer, where you might only need a few properties exported.

Available only on a Contacts Export:

  • Activity History - Includes activity interactions and contributions. For example every call, pledge, contribution, text, app interaction, etc. If you use the Call Time App, you can export this list and paste into the Activity History tab in the Google Sheet. That way, during Call Time, all past interactions and contributions are displayed within the app.
  • All Emails -Includes all emails available for contacts. This means in the export there will be one row for every email a contact has. 
  • Call Time (Paper) - If your candidate prefers paper call sheets, this is where you would export paper call sheets for each donor on your list (must be under 500 contacts).

if you choose custom*

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