How can I bulk associate contacts to an organization or employer?

If you have contacts who are employees of an organization or company that has their own profile in the CRM, you can bulk associate those employees to the organization through the bulk actions feature in the Contacts Tab.

1. From the Contacts tab, add a filter for Employment and provide the employer name in the Employer contains field

2. Once the employment filter is added, select the ... and select the Include Contacts option from the dropdown. Type into the Contacts to Include field the organization/ employer name. In this example, I am looking to associate employees with the organization, The Book Store.

3. Next, bulk-select all contacts that yield from this filter by selecting the box in the top left of the table and selecting the action dropdown to select Associate Contacts. If there are more contacts displaying in the table than what is showing per page, you will need to adjust the view at the bottom of the table to display 50x, 100x, etc., if needed.

4. A slideout will appear where you will select the organization name from the Will be Associated with field.  Next add in the Type of association, like Employee. Confirm the association(s) and select Associate Contacts to complete

5. Below is how the organization vs the employee profile will view as once the association is complete

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