How can I rank my contacts in my database?
In Numero, you can assign a Ranking to your contacts based on any internal parameters that your committee has set such as email broadcast engagement, estimated contribution, level of contribution, and more.
How to view database with Rankings
- From the Contacts tab, select the Columns dropdown to choose which columns are viewable in your table. Scroll down and select Ranking.
You can also filter for contacts based on their Ranking. Search a range of Rankings, an exact number, or search for those who do not yet have a Ranking.
How to assign a numerical ranking to your contacts:
- Bulk apply in your database: Add filter and select all names or some names based on your Ranking criteria. Select the Actions dropdown and select Ranking to add a Ranking to anyone who was previously blank. If you have chosen names with existing Ranking, it will be updated to the value you entered above. Or, it will set as blank if no value is entered.
- Manual import: Add a column for Ranking in a contact import. Be sure to add matching properties such as an existing Numero Contact ID or First Name, Last Name, Primary Phone, Address, or Email to ensure the Ranking appends to the right record.
- Apply individually: From a contact profile, select the pencil icon to Edit an existing record. Add any numerical value in the Ranking field. Click Save to save your changes.