What type of Custom Fields can I create?

There are five custom field types that you can use to create your prompt or question. Hover over any of the fields as you create them to learn more or read about them below.

  • Text Input: Single line text input. You can set a required minimum and maximum character length for responses. You can create a label tool tip and help text.
    e.g. "What is your primary motivation for engaging in environmental activism? (Maximum 200 characters)"
  • Text Area: Multi-line text box. You can set a required minimum and maximum character length for responses. You can create a label tool tip and help text.
    e.g. "Describe a recent environmental project or initiative you were involved in. (Minimum 100 characters, Maximum 500 characters)"
  • Dropdown: Dropdown list of options. Respondents can only select one option. You can create a floating label that affixes to the top of the field. You can also create a label tool tip and help text.
    e.g. "Which of the following environmental issues concerns you the most?"
  • Radios: Displayed list of options. Respondents can only select one option. You can create a label tool tip and help text.
    e.g. "Do you believe government policies are effective in addressing environmental issues?"
  • Checkboxes: Displayed list of checkboxes. Respondents can select multiple options. You can set a required minimum and maximum number of selections. You can create a label tool tip and help text.
    e.g. "How can you help?" Options: Make calls, Knock on doors, Support

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