What is a bounced email?
An email that has bounced means that the message was unable to be delivered to that email address (not to the inbox nor the spam box). The email server will usually provide us with a bounce reason which falls into one of two categories: hard bounces and soft bounces.
Hard bounces mean that the email address will no longer accept mail- permanently. This is usually due to the email address not existing or the email server permanently blocking delivery. Numero will automatically opt- out any hard bounce email addresses you attempt to send to, preventing them from receiving future emails.
Soft bounces mean that the email address temporarily is not accepting mail. This is due to a variety of reasons- the mailbox is full, the mailbox is inactive (abandoned), etc. Numero will allow a certain number of repeat soft bounces per email address depending on the bounce reason which you can read about here. After the max soft bounce count is met we will automatically archive the email address to help you maintain a positive email reputation.
You can filter for your bounced emails in an email broadcast by selecting the Contacts tab => Email Broadcasts => Last Status => Bounced => Apply Filter.
To view a particular bounce reason on a contact's email broadcast, open up the email broadcast on the contact record to locate the failure description.