How do I restrict who can see which call time lists?

You can edit who has access to a call time list as you are creating the call time list or even after you have created the call time list. 

1. When you create a new call time list, scroll to the bottom of the Create Calltime List side panel. In the section labeled Sharing, you can select if you would like the list to be private (only you can manage the call time list), if you would like to share the list with your team (any teammate in your Numero account can manage the call time list), or if you would like to customize the list to certain users (hand select specific teammates who can manage the call time list). If you've selected the custom option, you'll need to individually select the members of your account in whom you would like to have access to the list. 

2. If you have already created a call time list and need to edit who has access to that list, select the Calltime Lists tab and click the three small dots on the right-hand side of the call time list you are trying to edit. Once you click the three dots, you will select Edit call time list.

3. Towards the bottom of the Basic Info tab you can edit who has access the the list. Note if you select custom, you'll need to individually select the users (you can select from anyone who has access to your CRM) you want to have access to the list in the App. 

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