How do I measure the deliverability of my broadcast email?

After you have sent your email you can monitor the health of your email by clicking on the individual email in the Email Broadcasts tab and selecting the Health Tab. 

The Health tab includes information such as the total number of emails sent and your delivery rate. A deliverability rate of 95% and higher is good- click here to learn more about optimizing your deliverability and inbox placement. If you are just getting started with broadcast email it may take some time to establish yourself as a legitimate sender with the large email providers (ex: Gmail), so expect that your deliverability rate may increase over time and then plateau as you establish yourself.

The Health Metrics module will show your delivery rate by Email Provider as well as your percent bounced, percent unsubscribed, and percent spam complaints (hopefully none!). You can look at the same table by count using the # Counts toggle in the top right corner. 

To the right of the Health Metrics module, you'll find quick links to view lists of your contacts by Outcome (Delivered, Bounced, Unsubscribed, Spam Complained) for this particular broadcast message. 

Below the View Contacts by Outcome option you'll find your most recent unsubscribes as a result of receiving this particular message. You can read more about how donors can unsubscribe from your broadcast messages here


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