How do I assign an Origin Code to a contact?

To assign an origin code to a contact in Numero at the point of entry, users can import the contact with the code, add them one-off, or choose an origin code to bulk apply at the last step of the import process. Origin codes are unmodifiable once assigned, making this the only opportunity to append them to a contact record.

Assigning an Origin Code during a Bulk Import

Step 1: During a bulk import of new contacts, add a header to the import file titled 'Origin Code'. Map a set of origin codes within the contact import.

Step 2: Map first name, last name, and matching properties like primary address, email, phone, or employer and occupation. Include the origin code and map it to the Numero property if your file has that as a column.

Step 3: Alternatively, if all contacts share the same origin code, ensure that your file reflects this, on the final step of your import, select an origin code from the drop-down menu on the confirmation page.

Assigning Origin Code to Individual Contact

Step 1: Another way to assign an origin code is by adding it to the corresponding information of an individual contact from the 'add contacts' slide out.

Step 2: Scroll down to the origin code line and add the preferred origin code or create a new one.

Step 3: Add the contact.

How to View and Manage Origin Codes

When viewing a contact record, the origin code will be visible at the top of their profile.

You can also filter by origin code within the database.

From the Codes tab, view the listed origin codes. Select a filter, view editable fields, describe the origin code, or categorize the origin code from this tab.

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