How do I create and edit text and email templates?

If you're looking to utilize the features of texting and/ or emailing through the calltime app or through calltime mode, you will need to create text and/ or email templates in your platform before you do those actions.  If you ever need to edit existing text and/ or email templates after they are created, you will edit them from within the platform as well. 

1. From the Calltime Lists tab, select the Templates tab 

2. To edit, duplicate, or delete an existing template, select the three dots at the end of a template. 

3. To create a new template, select New Template. Then choose between text or email (note Numero Plus users will also see the option to create a voicemail template- read more). 

If you would like to utilize the mail merge functionality where unique data automatically populates in the drafts of your text or emails, you can select the purple Add Merge Tag link to open up the available merge tag options. You can also select the Primary checkbox so that text or email automatically gets attached to all of the calltime lists you create after saving this template.

Click the copy icon next to the merge tag you want to use to copy it to your clipboard. Then close out of the merge tag to return to your template and paste the merge tag into the body (text and email) or subject line (email only). 

To add an already existing template to an already existing calltime list- click here. This is also known as associating your templates to your calltime lists. 

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