How do I filter my contacts by email or phone?
If you want to filter through your contacts by email address or phone number, you would need to:
1. Go to the Contacts tab in your CRM and select Add Filter.
2. Select Email or Phone from the Filter dropdown.
3. When you select Phone, you can search for contacts that have a phone number, do not have a phone number, has a number that contains a certain set of numbers, at least/between/at most/exactly of a certain amount of phone numbers, is a certain type of number. Additional options to filter by include validated and opted-out dates.
Type would include home, work, mobile, etc.
4. When you select Email, you can search for contacts that have an email, do not have an email number, has an email that contains certain characters, at least/between/at most/exactly of a certain amount of emails, is a certain type of email. Additional options to filter by include validated and opted-out dates.
Type would include home, work, etc.
5. Select Apply Filter to view the results.