How do I see which calltime lists a contact is on?

If you are on a contact record and want to check which calltime lists a contact is on, follow the instructions below: 

1. Navigate to the contact record of your choice: 

2. Once you're on the contact record, click on the Calltime Lists tab:

3. Once you're on the Calltime Lists tab on a contact profile, you'll be able to view all of the lists that this contact is on, the status of the list, who created the list, and the progress made on this list. The lists are in order of the dates that this contact was added to the lists, not the create date of the list. For example, Terrance was added to the "Recurring Asks" list after he was added to "EOQ Small Dollar" which is "Recurring Asks" is ahead of "EOQ Small Dollar" even though the "EOQ Small Dollar" list was created more recently. 

4. There are a few actions you can take from this tab. You can click on the lists to be taken to that list, archive the call, delete the call, or restore a previously archived call.

5. Lastly, you can also add this contact to a different calltime list from this page by clicking "Add to Calltime List." This can be helpful if you're reviewing which lists they are on and realize they aren't on a list that they should be. 

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