What categories can I utilize in my platform?

Just like you have the ability to include categories tied to Contact, Source, Member, and Reference codes - your platform now supports hosting categories for other sets of data, including:
  • Imports - When you complete a Contacts, Interactions, and Contributions import, you can add a category to designate the type of import by typing the category of your choice within the field noted below. You'll then be able to filter in the Import tab by Category.

  • Exports and Scheduled Exports - When you export Contacts, Interactions, Pledges, and Contributions, you can add a category to designate the type of export it is by creating the category of your choice within the field noted below or selecting it from the dropdown, if the category has been previously created. You'll then be able to filter in the Export tab by Category.

  • Calltime Lists -  Give your calltime lists (All Lists, My Lists, and Shared Lists) a category - for example, if the donors on a list you just built are all environmentalists, add that as a category! You can then filter from the calltime list tab by category.

  • Calltime Templates - Have a set of templates that are most used for events or specific interests? Add a category to Text, Email, and Voicemail (Plus) templates. From the templates tab within Calltime Lists, you can filter by category. More to come on this specific feature!

  • Codes - Add categories to your Contact, Source, Member, and Reference codes. More on your code management here.

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