Source Codes, Member Codes, Contact Codes, Oh My!

Organizing your Codes

Let me guess - you have dozens of codes dating all the way back to 2002 and you have no idea what they mean... and none have consistent naming conventions?! And what do I do with all of my contributions from the last cycle?! 

Our code management center can help address all of these concerns and create a system moving forward where you can use all of the codes to create smarter calltime lists. You’ll be able to use our codes to organize, filter, and track your contacts, contributions, pledges, and interactions.

If you’re currently a user, you may have even seen our codes in your platform but still don’t have a great understanding of them. If that’s you, you’ve come to the right place. Now that you’re feeling empowered to organize your data, let’s get into the codes in a little bit more detail. 

Source Codes

This was a hectic week. Your team completed 4 hours of calltime, you hosted a digital fundraising event, and you sent out a rapid response email to your list, all of which yielded donations. This is good news, but you hardly remember that because you’re so stressed trying to figure out where all of these donations came from. Which was most successful in terms of dollars raised- the event, calltime, or the email campaign? What’s the average contribution from each source? Did we get more large-dollar contributions from the event or from calltime? Before you can dive deep to find an answer to these questions, you first need to be sure all of these contributions have a source code applied accordingly. If they have a source code that’s specific to where they contributed, such as email, event, or calltime, you’ll easily be able to filter your contributions. 

Check out some of our other Knowledge Base articles on source codes below. These will provide more detailed instructions for executing the ideas discussed above:

  1. How do I add a source code to a contribution?
  2. How do I bulk source code my ActBlue contributions?
  3. How do I create, edit and categorize my codes?

Contact Codes

Chances are you have obtained your contacts from all sorts of places. Ideally, you’d be able to retain information about who they are or how you know them in a simple way that makes it easy to segment them in the future. Our contact codes make this possible. By “tagging” your contacts with contact codes, you create shortcuts for yourself to remember who these donors are and make it easy to group them together in the future. You may end up tagging contacts with multiple codes as well! For example, maybe you acquire my contact information from your state party and you see that I’m a member of district 12, a former state delegate, and an alumnus of the same university that your candidate graduated from. You could easily create and apply three contact codes for each of these categories so that you can always search for “University of Wisconsin Alumnus”, “2022 delegate”, or "District 12" in your system to find all contacts who match that criteria. These codes are easy to apply via import or directly from our database and are immensely helpful when creating calltime lists and analyzing your database. 

Check out some of our other Knowledge Base articles on contact codes below. These will provide more detailed instructions for executing the ideas discussed above:

  1. How do I create contact codes on an individual's profile or via bulk import?
  2. How do I filter using contact codes?
  3. How do I create, edit and categorize my codes?

Member Codes

Time for the final code, and probably the most understood- Member Codes! Before we talk about Member Codes though, let’s recap a little. If you recall, source codes are what we use to label and organize pledges and contributions. Contact codes are how we label and organize contacts. That brings us to Member Codes. Member Codes can be used to label, organize, and privatize pledges, contributions, and interactions (calls, emails, texts, etc). You might be wondering why you’d need to do this? If your pledges and contributions are properly source coded, and you’ve contact coded your contacts, why would you need to add a separate code to your contributions, pledges, or interactions? There are likely a couple of different answers that come to mind. 

Let’s say you’re creating a calltime list for a volunteer, but your candidate has already reached out to some of the contacts on the calltime list and would like to keep those conversations private from the volunteer. You can member code those calls and set up the calltime list to filter out any interactions with the member code that you applied to the candidate’s private conversations. Then, when the volunteer looks at the contact in their calltime list, they’ll only see activity history that is relevant to them. 

This isn’t the only use case for member codes. Some teams use member codes to tag interactions and contributions as belonging to a specific committee or cycle year if their candidate has run for multiple offices or cycles or is raising into a Victory or unlimited fund. While privatization is not the main goal in this instance being able to filter the dashboard and contributions by member code to only see contributions for the selected member code can be very helpful. 

Check out some of our other Knowledge Base articles on Member Codes below. These will provide more detailed instructions for executing the ideas discussed above:

  1. How do I filter my dashboard by member code?
  2. How do I use member codes?
  3. How do I apply a member code to a calltime list?
  4. How do I create, edit and categorize my codes?


Time to wrap things up, your contributions are piling up and begging to be source coded! If you can take away anything from this article, let it be:

  1. Using your data efficiently and effectively will help you raise more money
  2. Numero’s code system will help you do this more efficiently  

You aren’t alone in this process! If you have any additional questions, reach out to to connect with the very people who penned this article. We’ll be happy to talk through your use case and figure out a plan for your codes. 

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